With our loyalty program, we reward your loyalty. Enjoy exclusive benefits, personalized offers, and great winning opportunities – simply through your purchases at Läckerli Huus.
Sign up now & benefitAs a SAVEURS member, you can now enjoy numerous privileges and special benefits. Look forward to exciting collaborations with selected partners and the three exclusive levels:
The higher your status, the more attractive the benefits. Your status is based on your previous year's sales and is reassessed each January 1st. If you reach the minimum sales threshold for the next higher level during the current year, you will receive an immediate upgrade. You can conveniently check your current status and annual sales in your customer account at any time.
Each of the three SAVEURS levels offers you special discounts and benefits that depend on your annual sales.
* Note: Only the net merchandise value excluding VAT after discounts/price reductions, excluding shipping costs and gift cards, counts.
10% Welcome discount 1x for new registrations |
Priority service Exclusive access to selected offers (e.g. advance sale of advent calendars) |
Take part in surveys and design competitions |
Participate in votes and tastings and reviews of new products. |
Exclusive competitions including draws for event tickets |
Birthday gift to be collected in store |
10% Welcome discount 1x for new registrations |
Free entrance to the World of Indulgence 2 free tickets for a visit to our World of Indulgence each year |
Free delivery for 1 order per year |
Priority service Exclusive access to selected offers (e.g. advance sale of advent calendars) |
Take part in surveys and design competitions |
Participate in votes and tastings and reviews of new products. |
Exclusive competitions including draws for event tickets |
Birthday gift sent to your home by post |
Attractive offers for products and services from SAVEURS partners (see below) |
Look forward to attractive discounts and special offers from our selected partners. As a Taste expert, you will benefit from exclusive deals that make your enjoyment moments even more valuable. The special experience offers guarantee unforgettable highlights in your everyday life.
Securing your benefits is that easy: Fill out the registration form below, and your SAVEURS card along with further information will be sent to you by mail.
For additional details, please refer to the General terms and conditions for SAVEURS.